Sentence examples of "clerk of the house" in English

The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. El criminal salió de la casa con los brazos en alto.
Is there a garden in front of the house? ¿Hay un jardín frente a la casa?
My parents have kicked me out of the house. Mis padres me han echado de casa.
The garden is in front of the house. El jardín está al frente de la casa.
I wash my car in front of the house without any problems. Yo lavo mi auto en frente de mi casa sin ningún problema.
The side of the house was covered with ivy. El lateral de la casa fue cubierto con hiedra.
As soon as he heard the crash, he rushed out of the house. Tan pronto como oyó el choque, salió corriendo de su casa.
With the fever that you have you cannot go out of the house. Con la fiebre que tienes no puedes salir de casa.
He threw me out of the house. Me echó de casa.
This side of the house catches the morning sun. Este lado de la casa recibe el sol de la mañana.
His wife kicked him out of the house. Su esposa lo echó de la casa.
Yesterday, there was a traffic accident in front of the house. Ayer hubo un accidente de tráfico en frente de la casa.
She looked in her bag for the key of the house, but could not find it. Ella buscó las llaves de la casa en su cartera, pero no las encontró.
They think the owner of the house is studying abroad. Creen que el dueño de la casa está estudiando en el extranjero.
If there's an emergency, you must run out of the house through this exit. En caso de una emergencia, debes salir corriendo de la casa mediante esta salida.
Feeling the house shake, I ran out into the yard at the back of the house. Sintiendo la casa sacudirse, yo salí corriendo al patio en la parte trasera de la casa.
There is a strange man in front of the house. Hay un extraño en frente de la casa.
The tall man came out of the house. El hombre alto salió de la casa.
Please wait outside of the house. Por favor espere afuera de la casa.
He was seen to come out of the house. Lo vieron salir de la casa.
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