Sentence examples of "go to great lengths" in English

A jaywalker exposes himself to great danger. Un peatón imprudente se expone a sí mismo a un gran peligro.
I often go to the movies. Yo voy a menudo al cine.
I wasn't able to go to his birthday party. No pude ir a su fiesta de cumpleaños.
Tom didn't want to go to war. Tom no quería ir a la guerra.
Do not forget to turn the light off before you go to bed. Que no se te olvide apagar la luz antes de irte a acostar.
The men go to work. Los hombres van a trabajar.
Tom doesn't go to school by bus. Tom no va al colegio en autobús.
I don't want to go to school today. No quiero ir a la escuela hoy.
It's time for children to go to bed. Es hora de que los niños vayan a la cama.
Tom doesn't need to go to work today. Tom no necesita trabajar hoy.
If the pain continues you have to go to the doctor. Si el dolor sigue, tiene que ir al médico.
We weren't able to buy tickets, so we didn't go to the concert. No pudimos comprar entradas, así que no fuimos al concierto.
You go to bed at eleven o'clock. Te acuestas a las once.
It's clouded today. Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow? Hoy está nublado. ¿Por qué no vamos a la playa mañana?
I don't go to school on Saturdays. No voy a la escuela los sábados.
It's almost time to go to bed. Casi es hora de irse a la cama.
If I heard a noise in the kitchen but was home alone, I would go to see what happened. Si oyera un ruido en la cocina pero estuviera solo en casa, iría a ver lo que pasaba.
I didn't go to school last Monday. El lunes pasado no fui al colegio.
You don't have to go to the party if you don't want to. No tienes que ir a esa fiesta si no quieres.
I want to go to Korea. Quiero ir a Corea.
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