Sentence examples of "jamais de sa vie" in French

Il a vécu à l'étranger la majeure partie de sa vie. He lived abroad for much of his life.
Elle a passé les dernières années de sa vie avec un chagrin caché. She spent her later life with a hidden sorrow.
À la fin de sa vie l'avare apprit à être généreux. Late in life the miser learned to be generous with money.
Il a acquis un tableau que Picasso a peint au cours des dernières années de sa vie. He obtained a picture which Picasso had painted in his later years.
Il a consacré les dernières années de sa vie à écrire sa biographie. He devoted the last years of his life to writing his autobiography.
Les vingt premières années de sa vie, elle était souvent prise pour un garçon. For the first twenty years of her life, she was often mistaken for a boy.
Pour la première fois de sa vie, Yuka a terminé la lecture d'un livre en langue anglaise. For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book.
Il l'a sauvée au risque de sa vie. He risked his life to save her.
Celui qui n'aime pas les femmes, le vin et les chansons, reste un idiot, de sa vie tout le long. He who loves not wine, woman and songs, remains a fool his whole life long.
Monsieur Brown est au crépuscule de sa vie. Mr Brown is in the sunset of his life.
Il a fait son devoir au péril de sa vie. He did his duty at the cost of his health.
La famille de Tom a montré une vidéo de sa vie à son enterrement. Tom's family showed a video of his life at his funeral.
Il fut un guerrier courageux, qui avait passé la plus grande partie de sa vie à combattre ses ennemis. He was a brave warrior who had spent most of his life fighting his enemies.
Il m'a raconté l'histoire de sa vie. He told me the story of his life.
Le soldat a sauvé son ami au prix de sa vie. The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life.
Elle lui a conseillé de parler de sa vie aux États-Unis d'Amérique. She advised him to talk about his life in the United States.
À l'issue de nombreuses années de réflexion, je suis parvenu à la conclusion que pour chaque être humain, le sens de la vie consiste exactement à trouver le sens de la vie. Chacun de nous est un individu unique et chacun de nous recèle en lui-même la capacité à trouver et à accomplir une mission unique au cours de sa vie. After many years of reflection, I came to the conclusion that for every human, the meaning of life consists exactly in: to find the meaning of life. Each of us is a unique individual. And each of us carries in himself the capacity to find and fulfill a unique mission in his lifetime.
Il me conta l'histoire de sa vie. He told me his life's story.
Il profite de sa vie d'écolier. He is enjoying his school life.
Cette montre en or est la prunelle de mes yeux. Mère me l'a donné comme souvenir à la fin de sa vie. This gold watch is the apple of my eye. Mother gave it to me as a keep-sake in her later years.
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