Übersetzung von "at the cost of" ins Französische



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Wörterbuch für "at the cost of"

at the cost of präposition
au prix de
He worked at the cost of his own time.
Il travailla au prix de son propre temps.

Kontexte mit "at the cost of"

He worked at the cost of his own time. Il travailla au prix de son propre temps.
He saved her at the cost of his own life. Il l'a sauvé au prix de sa propre vie.
He succeeded in business at the cost of his health. Il a réussi en affaires au prix de sa santé.
He wanted to succeed, even at the cost of his health. Il voulait réussir, même au prix de sa santé.
The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life. Le soldat a sauvé son ami au prix de sa vie.
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