Übersetzung von "organization" ins Französische



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Wörterbuch für "organization"

organization [ˌɔ:ɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən] substantiv Anhören
pl. organizations
l' organisation f Anhören
An undercover operative infiltrated the organization.
Un agent secret infiltra l'organisation.
l' association f (association) Anhören
l' entreprise f (business company) Anhören

Phrasen mit "organization" (67)

  1. World health organization - Organisation Mondiale de la Santé
  2. environmental organization - organisation environnementale
  3. international labour organization - organisation internationale du travail
  4. nonprofit organization - organisation à but non-lucratif
  5. North atlantic treaty organization - Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord
  6. organization chart - organigramme
  7. organization of petroleum exporting countries - organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole
  8. Palestine liberation organization - organisation de libération de Palestine
  9. sister organization - filiale
  10. United nations world health organization ( who ) - Organisation Mondiale de la Santé des Nations Unies
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Kontexte mit "organization"

An undercover operative infiltrated the organization. Un agent secret infiltra l'organisation.
This organization cannot exist without you. Cette organisation ne peut exister sans vous.
That organization depends on voluntary contributions. Cette organisation dépend des bénévoles.
The United Nations is an international organization. Les Nations Unies sont une organisation internationale.
That organization is corrupt to its core. Cette organisation est corrompue jusqu'à l'os.
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