Exemplos de uso de "grand félin" em francês

Ce dictionnaire te sera d'un grand secours. This dictionary will be of great help to you.
L'Amazone a un grand nombre d'affluents. The Amazon is fed by a large number of tributaries.
Il s'est caché derrière un grand rocher. He hid himself behind a large rock.
Je pense que c'est trop grand. I think that it's too big.
Il y a un grand parking en face de la gare. There is a large parking lot in front of the station.
John est le plus grand des deux garçons. John is the taller of the two boys.
Vois-tu le grand bâtiment blanc là-bas ? Can you see the big white building over there?
Si ma maison était un grand appartement, j'inviterais tous ceux que je connais à mon anniversaire. If my house were a mansion, I would invite everyone I know to my birthday party.
Elle a un grand respect pour son instituteur. She has great respect for her form teacher.
Quel animal est grand ? Which animal is big?
J'aurais aimé être plus grand. I wish I were taller.
Tu devrais porter un grand soin à ton travail. You should give a lot of care to your work.
Il est aussi grand que moi. He is as tall as I.
Tom est aussi grand que son père. Tom is as tall as his father.
Elles pourraient peut-être être plus grand que vous. They might be taller than you.
J'ai connu intimement un grand nombre de personnes impliquées dans les arts. I have known intimately a great many persons who were absorbed in the arts.
Un week-end, tous les hôtels de la ville étaient complets car il y avait un grand congrès. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large convention.
Lequel est plus grand, le soleil ou la terre ? Which is larger, the sun or the Earth?
Tu es grand. You are big.
C'est un grand scientifique. He is a great scientist.
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