Ejemplos del uso de "prit" en francés

Elle prit la nouvelle calmement. She took the news calmly.
Cela nous prit deux heures d'atteindre Tokyo. It took us two hours to get to Tokyo.
Le taxi prit deux passagers. The taxi picked up two passengers.
Tom prit une douche rapide. Tom took a quick shower.
Tom prit place derrière le volant et s'en alla. Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off.
Il prit un miroir et examina sa langue. He picked up a mirror and examined his tongue.
Elle prit une profonde respiration. She took a deep breath.
Elle prit l'un des vases en verre. She picked up one of the glass vases.
Ma mère prit ma température. My mother took my temperature.
Il prit un miroir et se regarda la langue. He picked up a mirror and looked at his tongue.
Une infirmière prit ma température. A nurse took my temperature.
Il prit le papillon entre le pouce et l'index. He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger.
L'homme prit mon bras. The man took my arm.
Il prit un chapeau en main et le mit, pour voir de quoi il avait l'air avec. He picked up a hat and put it on to see how it would look.
Il prit une profonde inspiration. He took a deep breath.
Il me prit par le col. He took me by the collar.
Il prit l'express pour Tokyo. He took the express for Tokyo.
Elle prit soin de l'enfant. She took care of the child.
Elle prit soin de mon chien. She took care of my dog.
Il me prit pour ma mère. He took me for my mother.
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