Sentence examples of "orange high school" in English

He is a student at Yushu High School. Il est étudiant à l'université de Yushu.
I am a high school student. Je suis un lycéen.
My sister is not a high school student. Ma soeur n'est pas lycéenne.
He's a high school student. Il est lycéen.
Tom got angry with the high school students. Tom s'est fâché contre les lycéens.
He joined the company right after he got through high school. Il a rejoint l'entreprise juste après le lycée.
We will play Minami High School tomorrow. Nous jouerons contre le lycée Minami demain.
I used to play tennis in high school. Je jouais au tennis au lycée.
Bert doesn't go to high school, does he? Berthe ne va pas à l’école, n’est-ce pas ?
Both he and I are high school students. Lui et moi sommes tous les deux étudiants dans le secondaire.
If you don't get your act together you won't graduate from high school. Si tu ne t'organises pas, tu ne vas jamais obtenir ton bac.
I am very glad to be out of high school. Je suis vraiment heureux d'être sorti de l'école.
I was a high school student at that time. J'étais lycéen à l'époque.
Two high school boys beat Tom black and blue. Deux lycéens ont cassé la figure à Tom.
He graduated from high school this spring. Il a eu son BAC ce printemps.
They were high school sweethearts. Ils étaient amoureux au lycée.
This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. C'est mon amie Rachel, nous sommes allées au lycée ensemble.
He often looks back on his high school days. Il évoque souvent ses souvenirs de l'époque du lycée.
At our high school, French is an elective. Dans notre lycée, le français est une matière optionnelle.
She made up her mind to graduate from high school. Elle se décida à passer son bac.
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