Sentence examples of "as an interim measure" in English

She was engaged as an interpreter. Ella fue contratada como interprete.
He has great ability as an artist. Él tiene un tremendo talento como artista.
Strong as an ox. Fuerte como un roble.
Mr Hirano is looked up to as an excellent engineer. El señor Hirano es estimado como un excelente ingeniero.
Shortly after coming back to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist in order to dedicate himself to his true passion: writing, in Spain. Poco después de volver a Francia decidió abandonar su carrera de economista para dedicarse a su verdadera pasión, la escritura, en España.
An electric guitar doesn't sound the same as an acoustic one. Una guitarra eléctrica no suena igual a una acústica.
He fancies himself as an artist. Él se cree un artista.
The thief disguised himself as an old lady. El ladrón se disfrazó de una anciana.
Tom hired Mary as an interpreter. Tom contrató a Mary como interprete.
My dream is to make it as an actor in Hollywood. Mi sueño es de hacerme un actor en Hollywood.
He engaged her as an interpreter. Él la contrató como intérprete.
In my view, everyone should have intellectual hobbies as well as an interest in physical activities. Desde mi punto de vista, todos deberían tener pasatiempos intelectuales así como ser aficionados a actividades físicas.
Strong as an oak. Fuerte como un roble.
If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. Si esto fuera interpretado en un escenario, lo podría condenar como ficción poco probable.
I don't consider my myopia as an impediment. No considero mi miopía como un impedimento.
I can only think of my wife as an half-paralysed animal. Sólo puedo pensar en mi mujer como un animal medio-paralizado.
She works as an office lady. Trabaja como una dama de oficina.
She hired him as an interpreter because she had heard that he was the best. Ella le contrató de intérprete porque había oído que era el mejor.
Nothing is so terrible as an earthquake. No hay nada tan terrible como un terremoto.
He used a headache as an excuse for leaving early. Usó un dolor de cabeza como excusa para irse temprano.
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