Sentence examples of "buy in" in English

I want to buy cooking utensils in one lot. Quiero comprar utensilios de cocina al por mayor.
This is what I bought in Spain. Esto es lo que compré en España.
It’s a car that I bought in Derry yesterday. Es un auto que compré hoy en Derry.
He bought flour and oil in quantity. Él compró un montón de harina y de aceite.
This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. Este collar es tan bonito que me gustaría comprárselo a mi esposa.
Tom has enough money to buy any computer in this store. He just needs to decide which one. Tom tiene suficiente dinero como para comprar cualquier computador en esta tienda. Él tan sólo debe decidir cuál.
I would like to buy some cheese. Quisiera comprar algo de queso.
He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread. Era tan pobre, que no podía comprar pan.
Jane didn't buy it after all. Jane no lo compró al fin y al cabo.
What do you want to buy for her? ¿Qué quieres comprarle a ella?
You can buy and read any kind of book at any time. Puedes comprar y leer cualquier tipo de libro cuando sea.
If you do not have this book, you can buy it. Si no tienes este libro puedes comprarlo.
It wasn't very smart to buy so many tuna cans, since I have no can-opener. No fue muy astuto comprar tantas latas de atún, si no tengo un abrelatas.
What did you buy? ¿Qué compraste?
Are you going to the shop? Will you buy me a toy? ¿Vas a la tienda? ¿Me compras un juguete?
I can't afford to buy it. No me puedo permitir comprarlo.
Where can I buy books? ¿Dónde puedo comprar libros?
We weren't able to buy tickets, so we didn't go to the concert. No pudimos comprar entradas, así que no fuimos al concierto.
Tom advised him not to buy the secondhand car. Tom le aconsejó no comprar el coche de segunda mano.
I'm saving up to buy a new car. Yo estoy ahorrando para comprarme un nuevo carro.
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