Sentence examples of "by rule of thumb" in English

Many have suffered oppression and misery for a long period of time under the rule of colonialism. Muchos han sufrido la opresión y la miseria durante un largo período de tiempo bajo el dominio del colonialismo.
We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. No podemos descartar la posibilidad de un accidente.
I pricked my thumb with a needle. Me pinché el pulgar con una aguja.
Boys, as a rule, are taller than girls. Los muchachos, en general, son más altos que las muchachas.
The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. La mano tiene cinco dedos: pulgar, índice, anular, corazón y meñique.
I make it a rule to read before going to bed. Convertí en una norma leer antes de ir a dormir.
He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer. Él accidentalmente se golpeó en el pulgar con el martillo.
Every rule has its exceptions. Toda regla tiene sus excepciones.
Tom caught a mosquito between his thumb and first finger. Tom atrapó un mosquito entre su pulgar y su índice.
Tom couldn't rule out the possibility that he was mistaken. Tom no pudo descartar la posibilidad de que él estuviera equivocado.
This rule does not apply. Esta regla no se aplica.
As a rule, she is an early riser. Por lo general, ella es una madrugadora.
I wouldn't rule out the possibility of moving to another country if I get a good job offer. No descartaría la posibilidad de irme a otro país si tengo una buena oferta de trabajo.
This rule cannot be applied to every case. No se puede aplicar esta regla a todos los casos.
He makes it a rule to take a walk every morning. Tiene la costumbre de dar un paseo cada mañana.
I make it a rule to get up at six. Procuro levantarme a las seis.
Tom always makes it a rule never to ask a woman her age. Tom tiene como norma estricta nunca preguntar a una mujer su edad.
Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he was going to get drafted. Tom no podía descartar del todo la posibilidad de que resultar reclutado.
Tom couldn't rule out the possibility that Mary didn't like him. Tom no podía descartar la posibilidad de que no le gustara a Mary.
He explained the rule to me. Él me explicó la regla.
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