Sentence examples of "come across badly" in English

When you come across new words, you must look them up in your dictionary. Cuando encuentres palabras nuevas debes buscarlas en el diccionario.
Did you come across anyone you know on your way here? Mientras venías hacia acá, ¿te encontraste con alguien conocido?
If you come across my book, will you send it to me? Si te topas con mi libro, ¿me lo envías?
I've never come across such a strange case. Nunca me he topado con un caso tan extraño.
Have your ever come across an animal like this? ¿Alguna vez te has cruzado con un animal como este?
We often come across Japanese tourists in this area. A menudo nos cruzamos con turistas japoneses en este sector.
She swam across the wide river. Ella cruzó el extenso río nadando.
Many men were badly wounded in the battle. Muchos soldados sufrieron terribles heridas en la lucha.
Come to my house this afternoon. Ven a mi casa esta tarde.
Mary was able to swim across the river. Mary era capaz de cruzar el río a nado.
This restaurant is badly managed. Este restaurante está mal administrado.
The dream has come true. El sueño se ha hecho realidad.
The boat sailed across the Pacific Ocean. El barco navegó por el Océano Pacífico.
My dog was run over by a truck. He was not killed, but his foot was badly injured. Un camión atropelló a mi perro, no lo mató, pero le lastimó seriamente las patas.
Did anybody come? ¿Vino alguien?
I saw a dog swim across the river. Vi a un perro atravesar el río nadando.
Why does he always behave so badly? ¿Por qué siempre se tiene que portar tan mal?
It is doubtful whether we shall be able to come. Es dudoso si podremos venir.
My house is just across the street. Mi casa está al otro lado de la calle.
They were badly injured in a car accident. Resultaron gravemente heridos en un accidente automovilístico.
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