Sentence examples of "gain control over" in English

Tom has lost control. Tom perdió el control.
Tom doesn't gain weight even though he eats a lot. Tom no sube de peso aunque coma mucho.
His sorrow was written all over his face. Su pena se marcaba en todo su rostro.
Tom couldn't control his anger. Tom no pudo controlar su enfado.
She began to gain weight. Ella empezó a engordar.
The man walking over there is our teacher. El hombre que va caminando por allá es nuestro profesor.
Nobody can control us. Nadie puede controlarnos.
You risk losing when you want to gain too much. Te arriesgas a perder cuando quieres ganar demasiado.
Don't risk your neck over something foolish. No arriesgues tu cuello por algo tan ridículo.
I have everything under control. Lo tengo todo bajo control.
It is difficult to gain access to him. Es difícil acceder a el.
Our branches extend all over the country. Nuestros sucursales se encuentran a lo largo del país.
I'm very impressed with your quality control. Estoy muy impresionado con su control de calidad.
Of course it's difficult to gain access to the Prime Minister. Por supuesto que es difícil conseguir acceso al Primer Ministro.
Tom helped Mary start over again. Tom ayudó a Mary a volver a comenzar.
The Colonel said the situation is under control. El coronel dijo que la situación está bajo control.
A small gain is better than a great loss. Una pequeña ganancia es mejor que una gran pérdida.
It's all over. Ya se acabó.
We have everything under control. Tenemos todo bajo control.
Eating konjac, you will never gain weight. Comiendo konjac nunca subirás de peso.
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