Sentence examples of "sortit" in French

Il sortit de la pièce. He went out of the room.
Il sortit du taxi en vitesse. He got out of the cab in haste.
Il sortit de la chambre. He came out of the room.
Il se vêtit et sortit. He got dressed and went outside.
Il sortit un dollar de son portefeuille. He took out a dollar from his wallet.
Un garçon qui avait vendu une vache à la foire de Hereford, fut pris en embuscade par un routier, qui, à un endroit approprié, exigea l'argent ; sur ce, le garçon prit ses jambes à son cou et s'enfuit mais, étant rattrapé par le routier, qui descendit de cheval, il sortit l'argent de sa poche et l'éparpilla autour, et tandis que le routier le ramassait, le garçon sauta sur le cheval et galopa jusqu'à chez lui. A boy having sold a cow at the fair at Hereford, was way-laid by a highwayman, who at a convenient place demanded the money; on this the boy took to his heels and ran away but being overtaken by the highwayman, who dismounted, he pulled the money out of his pocket and strewed it about, and while the highwayman was picking it up, the boy jumped upon the horse and rode home.
Il sortit malgré la pluie. He went out in spite of the rain.
Il sortit de sous la voiture. He got out from under the car.
Une grenouille sortit de l'eau. A frog came out of the water.
Il s'habilla et sortit. He got dressed and went outside.
Mon père sortit son portefeuille et me donna dix dollars. My father took out his wallet and gave me ten dollars.
Un garçon qui avait vendu une vache à la foire de Hereford, fut pris en embuscade par un voleur de grand chemin, qui, à un endroit approprié, exigea l'argent ; sur ce, le garçon prit ses jambes à son cou et s'enfuit mais, étant rattrapé par le voleur, qui descendit de cheval, il sortit l'argent de sa poche et l'éparpilla autour, et tandis que le voleur le ramassait, le garçon sauta sur le cheval et galopa jusqu'à chez lui. A boy having sold a cow at the fair at Hereford, was way-laid by a highwayman, who at a convenient place demanded the money; on this the boy took to his heels and ran away but being overtaken by the highwayman, who dismounted, he pulled the money out of his pocket and strewed it about, and while the highwayman was picking it up, the boy jumped upon the horse and rode home.
Elle sortit sans dire un mot. She went out without saying a word.
Toute la famille sortit de la voiture. All the family got out of the car.
Un flot de gens sortit du théâtre. A stream of people came out of the theater.
Elle sortit sans dire au revoir. She went out without saying goodbye.
C'est ainsi qu'il se sortit du danger. That is how he got out of danger.
De la fumée noire sortit de la cheminée. Black smoke came out of the chimney.
Il sortit sans dire un mot. He went out without saying a word.
Il sortit précipitamment du taxi, en disant "gardez la monnaie". He got out of the cab in haste saying, "Keep the change."
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