Sentence examples of "Conozco" in Spanish

Sólo le conozco de oídas. I only know him by name.
Conozco al presidente del comité. I am acquainted with the chairman of the committee.
He oído hablar de él, pero no le conozco personalmente. I've heard of him, but I don't know him personally.
Conozco un buen restaurante italiano. I know a good Italian restaurant.
No conozco su nombre verdadero. I don't know his real name.
No le conozco en absoluto. I don't know him at all.
Conozco a las dos niñas. I know both of the girls.
Yo conozco a este caballero. I know the gentleman.
No conozco la palabra 'imposible'. I don't know the word 'impossible'.
Conozco a John desde 1976. I have known John since 1976.
Yo conozco a esta mujer. I know this woman.
No la conozco de nada. I don't know her at all.
No conozco el camino a casa. I don't know the way home.
La conozco desde hace dos años. I have known her for two years.
Conozco bien a tu hermano mayor. I know your older brother quite well.
Conozco algunos estudiantes en aquella escuela. I know some students in that school.
Conozco a algunos de los chicos. I know some of the boys.
Conozco cada palmo de Nueva York. I know every inch of New York.
Hace dos años que le conozco. I have known her for two years.
Conozco a Tom desde la infancia. I have known Tom since I was a little boy.
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