Beispiele für die Verwendung von "Vorresti" im Italienischen

Cosa vorresti fare in futuro? What do you want to do in the future?
Vorresti venire alla mia festa? Would you like to come to my party?
Di chi ti vorresti innamorare? Who would you like to fall in love with?
Vorresti un po' di insalata? Would you like some salad?
Vorresti raccontare la prossima storia? Would you like to tell the next story?
Vorresti una tazza di caffè? Would you like a cup of coffee?
Vorresti andare al cinema stasera? Would you like to go to a movie tonight?
Vorresti bere tè o caffè? Would you like to drink tea or coffee?
Vorresti un po' di popcorn? Would you like some popcorn?
Cosa vorresti essere in futuro? What would you like to be in the future?
Vorresti un po' di caffè? Would you like some coffee?
Vorresti viaggiare negli Stati Uniti? Would you like to travel to the United States?
Vorresti andare al cinema domani sera? Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night?
Vorresti un altro bicchiere di vino? Would you like another glass of wine?
Vorresti un singolo o un doppio? Would you like a single or a double?
Vorresti portarmi una tazza di caffé? Bring me a cup of coffee, will you?
Vorresti venire al lago con noi? Would you like to go to the lake with us?
Vorresti prendere un'altra tazza di tè? Would you like to have another cup of tea?
Non vorresti bere un po' di te? Wouldn't you like to drink some tea?
Ti piace il gelato? Vorresti un gelato? Do you like icecream? Would you like an icecream?
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