Sentence examples of "vocabulary" in English

A young child has a small vocabulary. Un niño pequeño usa un vocabulario reducido.
You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary. Deberías dedicar un poco de tiempo cada día a revisar el vocabulario.
Do you know a good way to memorize new vocabulary? ¿Conoces algún buen método de memorizar vocabulario nuevo?
Performance and responsibility are not in their vocabulary; sloppiness comes as standard. Rendimiento y responsabilidad no forman parte de su vocabulario; la holgazanería pasa a ser la norma.
Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them. Encontremos oraciones con nuevo vocabulario sobre este tema, añadámoslas a la siguiente lista: _______, y traduzcámoslas.
Everyone can feed the database to illustrate new vocabulary. Todo el mundo puede incrementar la base de datos para ilustrar nuevas palabras.
Examples of word usage in different contexts are provided solely for linguistic purposes, i.e. to study word usage in a sentence in one language and how they can be translated into another. All samples are automatically collected from a variety of publicly available open sources using bilingual search technologies.
If you find a spelling, punctuation or any other error in the original or translation, use the "Report a problem" option or write to us.

In this section, you can see how words and expressions are used in different contexts using examples of translations made by professionals. The Contexts section will help you learn English, German, Spanish and other languages. Here you can find examples with phrasal verbs and idioms in texts that vary in style and theme. Examples can be sorted by translations and topics.

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