Exemples d'utilisation de "Stava" en italien

Stava un po' meglio ieri. She was slightly better yesterday.
Stava spesso alzato fino a tardi. He often used to stay up until late at night.
Coperta di polvere, la bambola stava nell'angolo della stanza. Covered with dust, the doll stood in the corner of the room.
L'industria stava crescendo rapidamente. Industry was growing quickly.
Stava piangendo la scorsa notte. She was crying last night.
Gli chiesi dove stava andando. I asked him where he was going.
Stava dormendo sotto l'albero. He was sleeping under the tree.
Stava soffiando un forte vento. A strong wind was blowing.
Era chiaro che stava mentendo. It was obvious that he was lying.
La interruppe mentre stava parlando. He interrupted her while she was speaking.
La sua ferita stava sanguinando. His wound was bleeding.
Lei stava piangendo da sola. She was weeping alone.
Lui stava ascoltando la musica. He was listening to music.
Lui stava attraversando la strada. He was crossing the street.
L'autobus stava per partire. The bus was about to start.
Il bestiame stava pascolando nel campo. Cattle were grazing in the field.
La loro pazienza stava per finire. Their patience was about to give out.
La ragazza stava fissando la bambola. The girl was gazing at the doll.
Si stava avvicinando alla sua fine. He was nearing his end.
Il cane stava scavando una buca. The dog was digging a hole.
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