Sentence examples of "come down" in English

What goes up must come down. Lo que sube debe bajar.
Whatever goes up must come down. Todo lo que sube tiene que bajar.
The price of coffee has come down. El precio del café ha bajado.
The terrorists will come down from the mountains in a week. Los terroristas bajarán de las montañas en una semana.
He came down to breakfast. Bajó a desayunar.
Leading a fulfilling life really comes down to a simple question: When you turn off the lights at night and your head is on the pillow, what do you hear? Your soul singing or Satan laughing? Llevar una vida satisfactoria se reduce a una sola cuestión: Cuando apagas las luces a la noche y apoyas tu cabeza en la almohada: ¿Qué es lo que escuchas? ¿Tu alma cantando o Satanás riendo?
She was coming down the stairs. Ella iba bajando por las escaleras.
She came down to breakfast at eight. Ella bajó a desayunar a las ocho.
He came down the hill on his bicycle. Bajó la colina en su bicicleta.
A huge monster is coming down the mountain. Un monstruo gigante viene bajando la montaña.
When one has a wonderful dream, one doesn't wish to come down to earth. Cuando uno tiene un sueño maravilloso, no desea volver a la realidad.
The price of rice has come down. El precio del arroz cayó.
I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. Vi al espíritu que descendía del cielo como paloma y permaneció sobre él.
The price of meat will soon come down. El precio de la carne caerá pronto.
Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible. Tranquilízate. Iré tan pronto como sea posible.
"I can't stand it any more!" "Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible." «¡No lo aguanto más!» «Tranquilo, volveré tan pronto como pueda.»
He will come sooner or later. Él vendrá tarde o temprano.
I wrote down his phone number lest I should forget it. Me apunté su número de teléfono para no olvidarlo.
Mom, come with me to the store. Mamá, acompañame a la tienda.
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Me gustan los cerdos. Los perros nos admiran. Los gatos nos desprecian. Los cerdos nos tratan a todos por igual.
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