Sentence examples of "acting" in English with translation "agir"

Mary is always acting foolishly. Marie agit toujours sottement.
They're acting on their own. Ils agissent de leur propre chef.
He's acting on his own. Il agit de son propre chef.
I am acting for my father. J'agis pour mon père.
She's acting on her own. Elle agit de son propre chef.
He is acting on his own behalf. Il agit en son nom propre.
I think Tom is acting a little suspicious. Je crois que Tom agit de manière un peu suspecte.
She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were Queen. Elle prend toujours des airs, agissant comme si elle était reine.
She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were a queen. Elle prend toujours des airs, agissant comme si elle était une reine.
If you really have grounds for acting the way you did, then please tell me. Si tu as vraiment des raisons pour avoir agi de la sorte, dis-les-moi.
Being "really busy" does not mean running around and acting like you don't have time for anyone or anything. Être « très occupé » ne veut ni dire que l'on court partout ni que l'on agit comme si l'on avait le temps pour personne ou quoi que ce soit.
Don't act like that. N'agis pas ainsi.
Who will act as spokesman? Qui agira en tant que porte-parole ?
How else can he act? Comment peut-il agir autrement ?
They didn't act quickly. Ils n'agirent pas rapidement.
You should act more calmly. Tu devrais agir plus calmement.
We have to act quick. Il nous faut agir vite.
I acted on his advice. J'ai agi conformément à son conseil.
They acted on the information. Ils agirent selon l'information.
I will act on your advice. J'agirai selon tes conseils.
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