Sentence examples of "as many as possible" in English

I'll give you as many as you like. Je vous en donnerai autant que vous en voulez.
Lucy has as many friends as I do. Lucie a autant d'amis que moi.
She studied French as hard as possible. Elle apprit le français à fond.
He has got as many as fifty novels written in English. Il possède quelque cinquante romans écrits en anglais.
I have as many books as he. J'ai autant de livres que lui.
Japanese seem to prefer picking a marriage partner as much like themselves as possible, finding a job that provides security and slow but steady advancement, and putting money in the bank. Si possible, les Japonais semblent préférer choisir un conjoint qui leur ressemble, chercher une situation stable qui assure une promotion lente mais régulière et mettre leurs économies à la banque.
The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests. Le motel peut accueillir jusqu'à 400 clients.
He has half as many books as me. Il possède moitié moins de livres que moi.
All of us want to live as long as possible. Nous voulons tous vivre aussi longtemps que possible.
He has read as many as 50 books for the last two weeks. Il a lu pas moins de 50 livres au cours de ces deux dernières semaines.
Bring as many boxes as you can carry. Prends autant de boîtes que tu peux porter.
Walk as fast as possible. Marche le plus vite possible.
In England in the Middle Ages, whole towns played football on certain holidays, sometimes with as many as 500 players at one time. En Angleterre au Moyen-Âge, des villes entières jouaient au football lors de certains jours fériés, parfois avec jusqu'à cinq cents joueurs en même temps.
When I was young, I tried to read as many books as I could. Quand j'étais jeune, j'essayais de lire autant de livres que je pouvais.
Could you speak as slowly as possible? Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, parler le plus lentement possible ?
Take as many as you want. Prends-en autant que tu veux.
She has about as many stamps as I do. Elle a à peu près autant de timbres que moi.
If you want to master a foreign language, you must study as much as possible. Si tu veux maîtriser une langue étrangère, il te faut étudier autant que possible.
As many as ten students failed the exam. Pas moins de dix étudiants ont raté l'examen.
The French team scored as many goals as the English team. L'équipe de France a marqué autant de buts que l'équipe d'Angleterre.
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