Sentence examples of "as quickly as possible" in English

I need it as quickly as possible. J'en ai besoin aussi vite que possible.
Nothing makes one old so quickly as the ever-present thought that one is growing older. Rien ne fait davantage vieillir que la pensée constante qu'on vieillit.
She begged him to stay with her, but he left home as quickly as he could. Elle le supplia de rester avec elle, mais il quitta la maison aussi vite qu'il pût.
She studied French as hard as possible. Elle apprit le français à fond.
I ran as quickly as I could. J'ai couru le plus vite que j'ai pu.
Japanese seem to prefer picking a marriage partner as much like themselves as possible, finding a job that provides security and slow but steady advancement, and putting money in the bank. Si possible, les Japonais semblent préférer choisir un conjoint qui leur ressemble, chercher une situation stable qui assure une promotion lente mais régulière et mettre leurs économies à la banque.
I'll finish it as quickly as I can. Je finirai ça aussi vite que je pourrais.
All of us want to live as long as possible. Nous voulons tous vivre aussi longtemps que possible.
Walk as fast as possible. Marche le plus vite possible.
Could you speak as slowly as possible? Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, parler le plus lentement possible ?
We should read as many books as possible. Nous devrions lire autant de livres que possible.
If you want to master a foreign language, you must study as much as possible. Si tu veux maîtriser une langue étrangère, il te faut étudier autant que possible.
He tried to behave as bravely as possible while he was being held hostage. Il essaya de se conduire le plus bravement possible tandis qu'il était pris en otage.
Explain the fact as clearly as possible. Expliquez les faits aussi clairement que possible.
Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible. Calmez-vous. Je passe dès que possible.
Close the shutters and draw the curtains. There must be as little light as possible. Ferme les volets et tire les rideaux. Il faut qu'il y ait le moins de lumière possible.
Jane ran after the deer as fast as possible. Jeanne a pourchassé le cerf aussi vite que possible.
Why didn't you tell me he was here? I had to know as soon as possible! Pourquoi ne m'as pas tu dit qu'il était là? Il fallait que le susse le plus vite possible!
If I go to China, it would be for the purpose of speaking Chinese as much as possible. Si je vais en Chine, c'est pour pouvoir parler chinois le plus possible.
She ran as fast as possible. Elle a couru aussi vite que possible.
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