Sentence examples of "being" in English

I admit to being careless. J'admets être négligent.
She came near being drowned. Elle a failli se noyer.
She is being blackmailed by him. Il lui fait du chantage.
She witnessed him being killed. Elle a été témoin de son assassinat.
He narrowly escaped being killed. Il a échappé à la mort de justesse.
I don't like being awaited. Je n'aime pas me faire attendre.
Computers are constantly being improved. Les ordinateurs sont améliorés en permanence.
The child came near being drowned. L'enfant a failli se noyer.
I wouldn't like being a judge. Je n'aimerais pas faire juge.
She lied about being pregnant. Elle a menti en disant qu'elle était enceinte.
He excused himself for being late. Il a fait des excuses pour son retard.
It being cold, we made a fire. Il fait froid : nous avons allumé un feu.
My car is being repaired. Ma voiture est en train d'être réparée.
He narrowly escaped being run over. Il a vraiment failli se faire renverser.
He could not stand being kept waiting so long. Il ne supportait pas qu'on le fasse attendre aussi longtemps.
God is the absolute being. Dieu est l'être absolu.
He is ashamed of his father being poor. Il a honte de la pauvreté de son père.
He ran the risk of being caught and imprisoned. Il courait le risque de se faire attraper et emprisonner.
Excuse me for being late. Je suis désolé de venir en retard.
He barely missed being killed in the accident. Il a failli se faire tuer dans l'accident.
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