Sentence examples of "carefully" in English

I wrote the answers carefully. J'ai écrit la réponse très attentivement.
Get a good start by observing carefully. Assure un bon départ en observant soigneusement.
She urged him to drive carefully. Elle l'exhorta à conduire prudemment.
She considered his offer carefully. Elle considéra sa proposition avec soin.
please read this contract carefully veuillez lire ce contrat attentivement
We must think over the issues carefully. Nous devons réfléchir aux problématiques soigneusement.
Whether you drive fast or slow, drive carefully. Que tu conduises vite ou lentement, conduis prudemment.
Please shuffle the cards carefully. Veuillez mélanger les cartes avec soin.
Everyone was listening very carefully. Tout le monde écoutait attentivement.
I carefully took down everything that my teacher said. J'ai soigneusement noté toutes les choses que le professeur avait dites.
Drive carefully, or you'll run into trouble. Conduis prudemment ou tu vas t'attirer des ennuis.
Look into the matter more carefully. Regarde ce problème plus attentivement.
Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you. Écoutez soigneusement ce que je vais vous dire.
You can use my car if you drive carefully. Tu peux utiliser ma voiture pour autant que tu conduises prudemment.
Listen carefully to what I say. Écoute attentivement ce que je dis.
All her carefully made plans began to unravel one by one. Tous ses projets soigneusement conçus commencèrent à s'effondrer un à un.
Drive more carefully, or you will have an accident. Conduis plus prudemment ou tu auras un accident.
I should have listened more carefully. J'aurais dû écouter plus attentivement.
She hid the letter carefully so no one would see it. Elle cacha soigneusement la lettre de manière à ce que personne ne la voie.
I beg of you to listen carefully. Je te prie d'écouter attentivement.
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