Sentence examples of "compliment on his progress" in English

His apprehension greatly hinders his progress. Son appréhension gêne considérablement son progrès.
On his left sat his mother. À sa gauche s'était assise sa mère.
I'm satisfied with his progress. Je suis satisfait de ses progrès.
Tim's wife insisted on his taking her to Paris. La femme de Tim a beaucoup insisté auprès de lui pour qu'il l'emmène à Paris.
His family has to live on his small income. Sa famille doit vivre de son petit revenu.
You can't count on his help. On ne peut pas compter sur son aide.
Do you think he did the job on his own? Penses-tu qu'il ait fait ce travail tout seul ?
He prides himself on his son. Il est fier de son fils.
He had a queer expression on his face. Il faisait une drôle de tête.
He is totally dependent on his parents. Il dépend complètement de ses parents.
Each boy student has a school badge on his cap. Chaque étudiant masculin a le symbole de l'école sur sa casquette.
He had an operation on his left leg. Il a été opéré de la jambe gauche.
Don't count on his help. Ne compte pas sur son aide.
On his shirt there was a sauce stain. Sur sa chemise se trouvait une tache de sauce.
He was unable to completely give up on his hopes of marrying her. Il était incapable d'abandonner complètement ses espoirs de l'épouser.
Mike played a bad trick on his brother. Mike a joué un mauvais tour à son frère.
Because my husband has been admitted to hospital, I am writing on his behalf. Puisque mon époux a été admis à l'hôpital, j'écris en son nom.
The students laughed under their breath when they saw that the teacher had put on his sweater backwards. Les élèves rirent dans leur barbe en voyant que le professeur avait mis son pull à l'envers.
The story is based on his own experience. L'histoire est basée sur sa propre expérience.
He lays on his back. Il est allongé sur le dos.
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