Sentence examples of "delude to his ruin" in English

Drinking was his ruin. Boire fut sa perte.
I have access to his library. J'ai accès à sa bibliothèque.
It was gambling that brought about his ruin. C'est le jeu qui l'a conduit à la ruine.
I wasn't able to go to his birthday party. Je ne fus pas en mesure de me rendre à sa fête d'anniversaire.
Upon arriving at the airport, he made a phonecall to his wife. À son arrivée à l'aéroport, il a téléphoné à sa femme.
He was always faithful to his wife. Il a toujours été fidèle à sa femme.
He gave vent to his feelings. Il donna libre cours à ses sentiments.
The more foolish a child is, the cuter he seems to his parents. Plus bête un enfant est, plus mignon il semble à ses parents.
The result was contrary to his expectations. Le résultat était contraire à ses attentes.
After the death of his parents, his grandparents took to his education. Après la mort de ses parents, ses grand-parents l'éduquèrent.
He has decided to turn over his business to his son. Il a décidé de passer son métier à son fils.
His actions do not always correspond to his words. Ses actes ne sont pas toujours en accord avec ses mots.
It's thanks to his father that he owns this hotel. C'est grâce à son père qu'il dirige cet hôtel.
He said good night to his parents. Il souhaita la bonne nuit à ses parents.
He referred to his past experience in his speech. Il se référa à son expérience passée dans son discours.
The novel added to his reputation. Ce roman améliora encore sa renommée.
The boy pays visit to his grandmother. Le garçon rend visite à sa grand-mère.
Shortly after coming back to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist in order to dedicate himself to his true passion: writing, in Spain. Il a décidé peu de temps après son retour en France d’abandonner sa carrière comme économiste pour se dédier à sa vraie passion, l’écriture, en Espagne.
We listened to his lecture on the radio. Nous écoutâmes sa conférence à la radio.
I do not want to reply to his letter. Je ne veux pas répondre à sa lettre.
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