Sentence examples of "possible" in English

I think it's possible. Je pense que c'est possible.
It's a possible story. C'est une histoire possible.
Come on Tuesday, if possible. Viens mardi, si cela est possible.
Walk as fast as possible. Marche le plus vite possible.
She avoided him whenever possible. Elle l'évita chaque fois que possible.
Come as soon as possible. Viens aussi vite que possible.
She ran as fast as possible. Elle a couru aussi vite que possible.
One wonders how it's possible. On se demande comment c'est possible.
Please speak as slowly as possible. Veuillez parler aussi lentement que possible.
Do it as soon as possible. Fais-le dès que possible.
Read as many books as possible. Lis le plus de livres possible.
I think that it's possible. Je pense que c'est possible.
Come downstairs as soon as possible. Descendez dès que possible.
It's possible, but not probable. C'est possible, mais improbable.
Please come as soon as possible. S'il te plaît, viens le plus vite possible.
I'll help you if possible. Je t'aiderai si c'est possible.
please contact me as soon as possible S'il vous plaît, contactez-moi dès que possible
I need it as quickly as possible. J'en ai besoin aussi vite que possible.
Do this work by tomorrow if possible. Faites ce travail avant demain si possible.
You should start as early as possible. Vous devriez commencer aussi tôt que possible.
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