Sentence examples of "retiring" in English

My father is retiring next spring. Mon père part à la retraite au printemps prochain.
He sold his business and retired. Il vendit son affaire et partit en retraite.
He retired to his own room after supper. Il se retira dans sa chambre après dîner.
When he retired, his son took over his business. Quand il partit à la retraite, son fils reprit son affaire.
The man held on to his job stubbornly and would not retire. L'homme s'accrochait obstinément à son travail et refusait de partir en retraite.
He retired to his hometown, where he lived a quiet life. Il se retira dans sa ville natale où il a vécu une vie paisible.
Beyond the Right's populism and the dispersion of the Left which have made this situation possible, I take full responsibility for this defeat and draw the necessary conclusions by retiring from political life after the end of the presidential election. Au-delà de la démagogie de la droite et de la dispersion de la gauche qui ont rendu possible cette situation, j’assume pleinement la responsabilité de cet échec et j’en tire les conclusions en me retirant de la vie politique, après la fin de l’élection présidentielle.
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