Sentence examples of "tried" in English

I tried to help her. J'ai essayé de l'aider.
I have tried every way. J'ai essayé de toutes les façons possibles.
He tried many different methods. Il a essayé beaucoup de méthodes différentes.
I tried to avoid conflict. J'ai essayé d'éviter un conflit.
I tried again and again. J'ai essayé encore et encore.
He tried to stand up. Il a essayé de se lever.
Tom tried to keep calm. Tom essaya de rester calme.
I tried to tell you. J'ai essayé de te le dire.
She tried to discombobulate me. Elle a essayé de m'embobiner.
He tried to persuade her. Il a essayé de la persuader.
I tried to help him. J'ai essayé de l'aider.
She tried not to cry. Elle essaya de ne pas pleurer.
Have you tried it before? L'as-tu essayé auparavant ?
He tried hard, but failed. Il a essayé fort mais il a échoué.
She tried to commit suicide. Elle a essayé de se suicider.
I tried to get good marks. J'ai essayé d'avoir de bonnes notes.
She tried it with a friend. Elle l'a essayé avec un ami.
He tried speaking French to us. Il a essayé de nous parler en français.
He tried to restrain his anger. Il a essayé de retenir sa colère.
He tried several times, but failed. Il essaya plusieurs fois mais ne réussit pas.
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