Sentence examples of "half as many" in English

He has half as many books as I. Er hat halb so viele Bücher wie ich.
Mexico has half as many people as Japan. Mexiko hat halb so viele Menschen wie Japan.
I have only half as many books as he does. Ich habe nur halb so viele Bücher wie er.
He is half as old again as she is. Er ist anderthalb mal so alt wie sie.
Lucy has as many friends as I do. Lucy hat so viele Freunde wie ich.
The population of Italy is about half as large as that of Japan. Die Bevölkerung von Italien ist etwa halb so groß wie die von Japan.
I have as many books as he. Ich habe genauso viele Bücher wie er.
Read as many books as you can while you are young. Lies so viele Bücher wie du kannst, solange du jung bist.
We should read as many books as possible. Wir sollten so viele Bücher wie möglich lesen.
She has about as many stamps as I do. Sie hat ungefähr so viele Briefmarken wie ich.
The French team scored as many goals as the English team. Die französische Mannschaft erzielte ebenso viele Tore wie die englische.
You should read as many books as you can. Ihr solltet so viele Bücher lesen, wie ihr könnt.
She has as many books as I. Sie hat soviele Bücher wie ich.
She has twice as many books as he has. Sie hat doppelt so viele Bücher wie er.
Read as many books as you can while you are a student. Lies soviele Bücher wie Du kannst solange Du Student bist.
I found ten mistakes in as many pages. Ich habe zehn Fehler auf so vielen Seiten gefunden.
He has got as many as fifty novels written in English. Er hat nicht weniger als fünfzig Romane in englischer Sprache.
The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests. Das Hotel kann sogar 400 Gäste beherbergen.
I have five copies, but I need twice as many. Ich habe 5 Kopien, aber ich brauche doppelt so viele.
In the U.S., as many as 216 million firearms are said to be in private hands. In den USA sollen mindestens 216 Millionen Schusswaffen in Privatbesitz sein.
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