Sentence examples of "were" in English

They were caught red-handed Sono stati catturati in flagrante
Who were you talking with? Con chi stavi parlando?
All of us were homesick. Tutti noi avevamo nostalgia di casa.
The children were flying kites. I bambini stavano facendo volare degli aquiloni.
You were seen to cook. Sei stato visto a cucinare.
What were we talking about? Di cosa stavamo parlando?
We were in a hurry. Avevamo fretta.
What exam were you taking? Ma che esame stavate facendo?
We were one too many. Eravamo uno di troppo.
The words were wrongly spelled. Le parole sono state scritte erratamente.
We were studying all afternoon. Abbiamo studiato tutto il pomeriggio.
One year ago we were here. Un anno fa eravamo qui.
Were you at home yesterday? Eri a casa ieri?
the rooms were very clean le camere sono state molto pulite
It was you that were wrong. Eri tu ad avere torto.
I wouldn't do that if I were you. Io non lo farei se fossi in te.
Her actions were in vain. Le sue azione furono vane.
Two doctors were talking shop. Due dottori stavano parlando di lavoro.
Why were you late this morning? Perché hai fatto tardi stamani?
If I were you, I should not do such a thing. Se fossi in te non farei una cosa del genere.
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