Sentence examples of "decided" in English

I decided to study stenography. Decidi estudar estenografia.
So you decided to become a criminal? Então resolveu entrar no mundo do crime?
I didn't know he had decided to leave his job. Eu não sabia que ele tinha decidido largar o emprego.
He decided to quit smoking. Ele decidiu parar de fumar.
I have decided to keep a diary this year. Resolvi escrever num diário este ano.
When Yoko and I heard the sirens stop nearby, we quickly decided to go check it out. Quando Yoko e eu ouvimos as sirenes pararem por perto, nós corremos decididos a ir verificar.
He decided to go abroad. Ele decidiu sair do país.
If I'll go or not, I still haven't decided. Se irei ou não, ainda não resolvi.
I decided not to go. Eu decidi não ir.
After a few more seconds of silence, John decided to make his opinion known. Após mais alguns segundos de silêncio, João resolveu manifestar-se.
Tom decided to study law. Tom decidiu estudar Direito.
She decided not to go. Ela decidiu não ir.
She decided to marry him. Ela decidiu casar-se com ele.
He decided to marry her. Ele decidiu se casar com ela.
She decided to marry Tom. Ela decidiu se casar com Tom.
I decided to be a doctor. Decidi ser médico.
He decided to sell the car. Ele decidiu vender o carro.
Tom decided to tell Mary everything. Tom decidiu contar tudo a Mary.
Jack decided to cancel the reservations. Jack decidiu cancelar as reservas.
Tom decided to leave work early. Tom decidiu sair mais cedo do trabalho.
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