Sentence examples of "taken aback" in English

When I had just arrived in Switzerland, I was completely taken aback by the prices. Quando tinha acabado de chegar na Suíça, fiquei completamente espantado com os preços.
I was taken aback by his rudeness. Fiquei surpreso com a sua grosseria.
I was taken aback at the answer. Surpreendi-me com a resposta.
I was taken aback by the news. Fiquei perplexo com as notícias.
I was completely taken aback by her reasoning. Fiquei perplexo com seu raciocínio.
I was quite taken aback at their bad manners. Eu fiquei completamente surpreso com seus maus modos.
Walter was taken aback by John's cruel insult. Walter ficou perplexo com o insulto cruel de John.
When I first met him, I was taken aback by his unexpected question. Quando me encontrei com ele pela primeira vez, fiquei surpreso com a sua pergunta inesperada.
It was in 1989 that the Berlin Wall was taken down. Foi em 1989 que o Muro de Berlim desmoronou.
Don't be taken in by her crocodile tears. Não se deixe levar por suas lágrimas de crocodilo.
I move that these proposals be approved, and that action be taken as soon as possible. Eu proponho que essas propostas sejam aprovadas, e que a ação seja tomada o mais rápido possível.
These medicines should be taken three times a day. Estes remédios devem ser tomados três vezes por dia.
Tom was taken prisoner. Tom foi feito prisioneiro.
I wish I had taken better care of myself. Queria ter cuidado mais de mim mesmo.
The portrait was taken from the wall. O retrato foi tirado da parede.
Have you ever taken your children to the beach? Você já levou seus filhos à praia?
Our land is being taken over. Nosso território está sendo invadido.
That seat is taken. Aquele lugar está ocupado.
The medicine has to be taken every six hours. O remédio deve ser tomado a cada seis horas.
One of the hunters was shot and had to be taken to hospital, where he is now making a speedy recovery. Um dos caçadores levou um tiro e teve de ser levado para o hospital, onde agora está se recuperando rapidamente.
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