Sentence examples of ", all that said ," in English

She sent me a postcard that said she hates the smell of animals. Ella me envió una tarjeta postal que decía que odia el olor de los animales.
According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and don't taste all that bad. De acuerdo al anciano que conocí ayer, las cucarachas pueden comerse y no saben nada mal.
All that he knows is that he knows. Todo lo que sabe es que sabe.
This is all that I know about him. Esto es todo lo que sé de él.
All that you say is perfectly correct. Todo lo que dices es perfectamente correcto.
I cannot put up with all that noise. No tolero todo ese ruido.
All that glitters is not gold. No es oro todo lo que reluce.
It didn't surprise me at all that Tom got arrested from drunken driving. No me sorprendió para nada que Tom fuera arrestado por conducir ebrio.
All that junk is not going to put you out of the mess. Esas porquerías no te van a sacar del lío.
This is all that I can say for now. Esto es todo lo que de momento puedo decir.
I told her once and for all that I wouldn't go shopping with her. Le dije una vez por todas que no iría de compras con ella.
All that was left to our country were regrets and miseries. No quedaron para nuestro país sino lamentos y miserias.
He likes all that is sweet. Le gusta todo lo dulce.
I'd be happy to translate all that, but I don't know Dutch. Con gusto yo traduciría todo eso, pero no sé holandés.
My family is not all that large. Mi familia no es tan grande.
Give your best effort in all that you do. Da lo mejor de ti en todo lo que haces.
I'm sure people ask you this question all the time, but it's all that comes to mind right now. Estoy seguro que la gente te hace esta pregunta todo el tiempo, pero ahora mismo es lo único que se me viene a la cabeza .
All that has happened before, and will happen again. Todo eso ya ha sucedido antes, y sucederá otra vez.
This is all that I know. Esto es todo lo que sé.
Tom doesn't really like Mary all that much. A Tom en realidad no le gusta tanto Mary.
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