Sentence examples of "airline ticket" in English

To the airline office. A la oficina de la línea aérea.
He has a ticket. Él tiene una entrada.
Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office. Cientos de personas estaban esperando afuera de la taquilla.
Tom thought it would be difficult for Mary to get a ticket to that concert. Tom pensó que sería difícil que Mary encontrara un boleto para ese concierto.
He was itching for a ticket to the concert. Deseaba una entrada para el concierto.
I think I've lost my ticket. Creo que he perdido mi billete.
You don't have the ticket. No tenés el ticket.
As she couldn't pay for a ticket, the driver asked her to get off the bus. Como ella no pudo pagar el pasaje, el conductor le pidió que se bajara del bus.
May I have a look at your ticket? ¿Podría ver su ticket?
This ticket is paper. Esta entrada es de papel.
She got the ticket for free. Ella consiguió gratis el boleto.
This ticket is valid for three days. Esta entrada vale para tres días.
In order to buy a ticket, you'll have to wait at least an hour. Para comprar un boleto deberás esperar al menos una hora.
The ticket admits two persons. Este boleto admite dos personas.
I told them to send me another ticket. Les dije que me mandaran otro boleto.
This ticket allows two people to enter. Este boleto admite dos personas.
Your ticket, please. Su billete, por favor.
She got the ticket for nothing. Ella consiguió gratis el boleto.
I got the ticket free of charge. Conseguí la entrada gratis.
How much is a round-trip ticket to Caracas? ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete de ida y vuelta a Caracas?
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