Sentence examples of "all risk" in English

When one nation pursues a nuclear weapon, the risk of nuclear attack rises for all nations. Cuando una nación persigue un arma nuclear, el riesgo de ataques nucleares aumenta para todas las naciones.
We're all citizens of the world. Todos somos ciudadanos del mundo.
Don't risk your neck over something foolish. No arriesgues tu cuello por algo tan ridículo.
That is all I have. Eso es todo lo que tengo.
Don't risk insulting your boss. No te arriesgues a insultar a tu jefe.
She's been working all day long. Ella lleva todo el día trabajando.
I don't like to run a risk. No me gusta correr riesgos.
His sorrow was written all over his face. Su pena se marcaba en todo su rostro.
He ran the risk of being caught and imprisoned. Él corría el riesgo de que le atraparan y le encarcelaran.
You should avoid Tom today if at all possible. He's very mad at you. Si es posible hoy deberías evitar a Tom. Está muy enfadado contigo.
You risk losing when you want to gain too much. Te arriesgas a perder cuando quieres ganar demasiado.
We all hope for peace. Todos deseamos la paz.
The risk is too great. El riesgo es demasiado grande.
My father doesn't care about money at all. A mi padre no le interesa para nada el dinero.
If you go near a camel, you risk being bitten. Si te acercas a un camello, corres el riesgo de que te muerda.
I couldn't answer all the questions. No podía contestar todas las preguntas.
I ran a risk of advising her. Tomé el riesgo de aconsejarla.
The invention of the mobile phone took place in the seventies, and it became accessible to all in the eighties and nineties. La invención del móvil tuvo lugar en los años setenta y se hizo accesible para todos en los años ochenta y noventa.
I don't want to risk missing the last train of the day. No me quiero arriesgar a perder el último tren.
Jane didn't buy it after all. Jane no lo compró al fin y al cabo.
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