Sentence examples of "an awful lot" in English

Tom has changed an awful lot. Tom ha cambiado un montón.
Mr Koizumi thinks an awful lot of himself. El Sr. Koizumi se cree muy muy.
She is in an awful mood. Ella está de pésimo humor.
I made an awful mistake in the test. En la prueba cometí un terrible error.
That was an awful day. Aquél fue un día horrible.
It's an awful shame your wife couldn't come. Es una enorme lástima que tu esposa no pudiera venir.
I had an awful experience today, so I'm going to have a beer and go straight to bed. He tenido una experiencia terrible hoy, así que voy a tomarme una cerveza y a irme a la cama.
It was an awful performance. Fue una actuación terrible.
It was an awful week. Fue una semana terrible.
He's an awful bore Es una ánima horrible
Without you, life is awful. Sin ti la vida es horrible.
We played a lot of games at the party. Jugamos muchos juegos en la fiesta.
My history teacher is awful: he begins talking of a topic, and then he starts digressing, and I think not even he realizes what he had explained. Mi profesor de historia es horrible: empieza a hablar de un tema, después empieza a desbarrar y yo creo que ni siquiera él se entera de lo que ha explicado.
There are a lot of fish in that lake. Hay muchos peces en ese lago.
"Natto" smells awful, but tastes delicious. El Natto huele espantoso, pero sabe delicioso.
He has a lot of books on history. Él tiene muchos libros sobre historia.
Where did you find this awful dog? ¿Dónde encontraste a este horrible perro?
A lot of people are now trying to sell their houses. Ahora mucha gente está intentando vender sus casas.
This bike is awful; it's too heavy. Esta bicicleta es pésima; es demasiado pesada.
It is a lot of fun to listen to music. Es muy divertido escuchar música.
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