Sentence examples of "apartment house" in English

Everyone in the apartment house shares the kitchen. Todos en el apartamento compartimos la cocina.
Tom lives with Mary in a small apartment near my house. Tom vive con Mary en un departamentito cerce de mi casa.
I live in an apartment. Vivo en un apartamento.
I went to her house, but she was not at home. Fui a su casa, pero no estaba.
My apartment is near here. Mi departamento está cerca de aquí.
Come to my house this afternoon. Ven a mi casa esta tarde.
She lives in an apartment alone. Ella vive sola en un departamento.
It's an awesome house. Es una casa increíble.
They were vacant apartment or homes. Eran departamentos o casas vacías.
The house is cold. La casa está fría.
I'm busy looking for an apartment. Estoy ocupado buscando piso.
I see the tower from my house. Veo la torre desde mi casa.
What happened? There's water all over the apartment. ¿Qué ha pasado? Hay agua por todo el apartamento.
I want to clean the house before my parents return. Quiero limpiar la casa antes de que vuelvan mis padres.
He found a nice apartment for Mary. Él encontró un lindo departamento para Mary.
My house stands within easy access of the railroad station. Mi casa está bien comunicada con la estación de ferrocarril.
When I visited their apartment, the couple was right in the middle of an argument. Cuando visité su departamento, la pareja estaba justo en medio de una pelea.
Look! They are leaving the house. ¡Mira! Se están yendo de la casa.
In the night a burglar broke into the apartment and stole my wife's fur coat. Un ladrón entró por la noche en el apartamento y robó el abrigo de piel de mi mujer.
I don't like the house he lives in. No me gusta la casa en que vive.
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