Sentence examples of "bad" in English with translation "malo"

Tom is a bad driver. Tom es un mal conductor.
The idea is not bad. La idea no es mala.
That's not half bad Eso no es tan malo
Tom had a bad dream. Tom tuvo un mal sueño.
Tom has bad table manners. Tom tiene malos modales en la mesa.
I feel bad for them. Me siento mal por ellos.
She is a bad person. Es una mala persona.
Tom is a bad boy. Tom es un chico malo.
The decorating isn't bad. La decoración no es mala.
Black cats are bad luck. Los gatos negros traen mala suerte.
He's a bad liar. Él es un mal mentiroso.
We had bad weather yesterday. Ayer hizo mal tiempo.
His clothes always smell bad. Su ropa siempre huele mal.
I feel bad for him. Me siento mal por él.
Tom has a bad temper. Tom tiene mal carácter.
The idea isn't bad. La idea no es mala.
She's a bad liar. Ella es una mala mentirosa.
Smoking is bad for you. Fumar es malo para ti.
You gave a bad example. Dabas mal ejemplo.
You are a bad person. Sos una mala persona.
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