Sentence examples of "bearing driver" in English

It has some bearing on this problem. Tiene cierta relación con este problema.
Tom is a good driver. Tom es un buen conductor.
Bearing can be unbearable. Soportar puede ser insoportable.
As she couldn't pay for a ticket, the driver asked her to get off the bus. Como ella no pudo pagar el pasaje, el conductor le pidió que se bajara del bus.
Moses came down from the mountain bearing divine commandments. Moisés bajó de la montaña cargando mandamientos divinos.
The policeman blamed the taxi driver for the accident. El policía culpó al taxista por el accidente.
She is a taxi driver. Ella es taxista.
Tell the taxi driver to drive faster. Decile al taxista que maneje más rápido.
Tom is a bad driver. Tom es un mal conductor.
I think he is a good driver. Creo que él es un buen conductor.
Thanks to the taxi driver, we had a very wonderful time in London. Gracias a ese taxista, nos lo pasamos genial en Londres.
Tom is a fast driver. Tom es un conductor veloz.
The driver said we don't have brakes! ¡El chofer dijo que no tenemos frenos!
A bus driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. Un conductor de autobús es responsable de la seguridad de sus pasajeros.
The driver increased his speed. El conductor aceleró.
Is she a taxi driver? ¿Es ella un taxista?
Don't speak to the driver while he is driving. No le hables al conductor mientras está conduciendo.
Tom is a safe driver. Tom es un conductor fiable.
The driver says that we don't have any brakes! ¡El conductor dice que no tenemos frenos!
The bus driver told the pupils to keep their heads inside the bus. El chofer les dijo a los alumnos que mantengan sus cabezas dentro del autobús.
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