Sentence examples of "bloated face" in English

His sorrow was written all over his face. Su pena se marcaba en todo su rostro.
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. Nunca olvido una cara, pero en su caso gustosamente haré una excepción.
But I dare to say that it is better to face those few but powerful interests, rather than eventually facing the fury of society. Pero yo me atrevo a decir que es mejor enfrentar esos intereses minoritarios pero poderosos, antes que más adelante enfrentar la furia de la sociedad.
She carries on smiling even in the face of adversity. Ella sigue sonriendo aún en la cara de la adversidad.
It is written in his face. Está escrito en su cara.
His face was pale and his clothing humble. Su rostro era pálido y sus ropas humildes.
I don't remember my grandmother's face accurately. No me acuerdo muy bien del rostro de mi abuela.
Her face was bright with happiness. Su cara brillaba de felicidad.
I remember his face but I can't remember his name. Recuerdo su cara pero no recuerdo su nombre.
If he makes that face it's because he's nervous. Cuando pone esa carita, es porque está nervioso.
I felt as if my face were on fire. Yo sentí como si mi cara estuviera en llamas.
She gave him a slap in the face. Le dio un tortazo.
She had a thoughtful look on her face. Ella tenía una cara pensativa.
We ought to look the world straight in the face. Debemos mirar al mundo a la cara.
We associate her face with a rose. Asociamos su cara con una rosa.
Tom has something on his face. Tom tiene algo en su cara.
Show me your true face. Muéstrame tu verdadero rostro.
I slapped his face. Le di un tortazo.
Let's face the reality! ¡Enfrentemos la realidad!
Girls are more likely than boys to be malnourished, suffer poverty, face violence and be refused an education, according to a new report. La niñas tienen más probabilidades que los niños de ser malnutridas, sufrir pobreza, enfrentar violencia y de negárseles una educación, de acuerdo a un nuevo reporte.
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