Sentence examples of "come through" in English

A beam of sunlight came through the clouds. Un rayo de sol atravesó las nubes.
This has come about through several causes. Esto sucedió por varias razones.
Come to my house this afternoon. Ven a mi casa esta tarde.
We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. Somos capaces de viajar en el tiempo. Y lo hacemos a la excepcional tasa de un segundo por segundo.
The dream has come true. El sueño se ha hecho realidad.
I was dialing his number just as he walked through the door. Estaba marcando su número justo cuando entró por la puerta.
Did anybody come? ¿Vino alguien?
It takes us five minutes to walk through the tunnel. Nos toma cinco minutos atravesar caminando el túnel.
It is doubtful whether we shall be able to come. Es dudoso si podremos venir.
The nail went through the wall. El clavo atravesó la pared.
If he isn't ill, I think he will come. Si no está enfermo, creo que vendrá.
I glanced through the brochure. Eché un vistazo al folleto.
When will his new novel come out? ¿Cuándo se publica su nueva novela?
Man can be subdued through fear. El hombre puede ser sometido a través del miedo.
It makes no difference to me whether you come or not. Me da igual si vienes o no.
He managed to escape through a window. Él consiguió escaparse por una ventana.
I do hope you will come again. Espero que vengas de nuevo.
I've always wanted to travel through Europe. Siempre he querido viajar por Europa.
She would willingly come but she was on vacation. Ella hubiera venido con gusto pero estaba de vacaciones.
Happy chocolate that, after having run around the world through the smiles of women, finds death in a tasty and melting kiss in their mouth. Feliz chocolate que, tras haber recorrido el mundo a través de las sonrisas de las mujeres, encuentra la muerte en un sabroso beso fundente en su boca.
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