Sentence examples of "coronary care" in English

Do they take care of the dog? ¿Cuidan ellos del perro?
My father doesn't care about money at all. A mi padre no le interesa para nada el dinero.
Would you care for another cup of coffee? ¿Te gustaría otra taza de café?
Tom said he didn't care about Mary's past even though he really did. Tom dijo que no le importaba el pasado de Mary, aunque en realidad sí le importaba.
One should take good care of every single thing. Uno debería ocuparse de todas las cosas.
They need daily care. Ellos requieren un cuidado diario.
You promised me that you would take care of them. Me prometiste que cuidarías de ellos.
Do you care for classical music? ¿Te interesa la música clásica?
They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. Están muy ocupados peleándose entre ellos, como para preocuparse por los ideales comunes.
We must think about the care of old people. Nosotros debemos pensar acerca del cuidado de la gente mayor.
I don't care what your names are. Once this job's over, I'm out of here. No me importan vuestros nombres. Total, cuando se termine este trabajo me iré.
I don't care much for coffee. No me gusta mucho el café.
My job is taking care of the baby. Cuidar del bebé es mi trabajo.
Tom said that he doesn't care what other people think of him. Tom dijo que no le importa lo que otros piensen de él.
I don't care whichever you choose. Me da igual el que elijas.
I don't care for green tea. No me gusta el té verde.
Tom doesn't take very good care of his dog. Tom no cuida muy bien a su perro.
I don't need you to take care of me. No necesito que me cuides.
I don't care a bean. Me vale un bledo.
Take care! It's dangerous to drive drunk. ¡Cuidado! Es peligroso conducir bebido.
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