Sentence examples of "eat out" in English

Do you eat at home or eat out? ¿Sueles comer en casa o comer fuera?
My wife likes to eat out, so she doesn't have to cook. A mi esposa le gusta comer fuera, para no tener que cocinar.
He used to eat out every day, but he can't afford it. Solía comer fuera todos los días pero ahora no se lo puede permitir.
He sometimes ate out with his family. A veces él comía fuera con su familia.
Cooking at home is healthier than eating out at a restaurant. Cocinar en casa es más sano que comer fuera en un restaurante.
Let's eat out tonight. Salgamos a comer esta noche.
Do you eat out often? ¿Comes afuera a menudo?
I want to eat out today. Hoy quiero salir a comer.
We don't often eat out. No salimos a comer a menudo.
I always eat out. Siempre como afuera.
Shall we eat dinner out today? ¿Salimos a cenar hoy?
You shouldn't eat garlic before going out on a date. Usted no debería comer ajo antes de ir a una cita.
He's going to eat you alive when he finds out the truth. Él te va a comer vivo cuando descubra la verdad.
If I eat too much chocolate, I break out in pimples. Si como demasiado chocolate me salen granos.
The last time we went out to eat, she paid for the dinner. La última vez que comimos afuera, ella pagó por la cena.
Children cry because they want to eat. Los niños lloran porque quieren comer.
Let me spell it out for you. Déjame explicártelo paso por paso.
He doesn't eat this, does he? ¿Él no come esto, o sí?
If you paint it yellow, you'll kill two birds with one stone: it'll stand out, and you'll save money because you can use paint you already have. Si lo pintas de amarillo, matarás dos pájaros de un tiro: resaltará, y ahorrarás dinero porque puedes usar pintura que ya tienes.
Give me something to eat. Dame algo de comer.
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