Sentence examples of "private lawyer" in English

The lawyer warned his client against testifying, but he did it anyway. El abogado le advirtió a su cliente que no testificara, pero él lo hizo de todos modos.
He hired a private investigator. Él contrató a un detective privado.
The lawyer explained the new law to us. El abogado nos explicó la nueva ley.
The man turned out to be a private detective. El hombre resultó ser un detective privado.
The lawyer went out with the secretary. El abogado salió con su secretaria.
This is private property. Esta es una propiedad privada.
I demand to speak with my lawyer. Exijo hablar con mi abogado.
It's very easy to access to your private information. No cuesta nada acceder a tu información privada.
The lawyer was expecting him. El abogado le esperaba.
I wish to speak with you in private. Call me. Quiero hablar contigo en privado. Llámame.
"To hire a good lawyer?" Al-Sayib asked. –¿Para contratar a un buen abogado? –preguntó Al-Sayib.
Can we talk in private? ¿Podemos hablar en privado?
If you can't get a lawyer who knows the law, get one who knows the judge. Si no puedes conseguir un abogado que conozca la ley, consigue uno que conozca al juez.
I'd like to talk with you in private. Me gustaría hablar contigo a solas.
The lawyer determined his course of action. El abogado decidió sus medidas a tomar.
My mother is always poking her nose into my private life. Mi madre está siempre inmiscuyéndose en mi vida privada.
He's a lawyer. Es abogado.
My father is always poking his nose into my private life. Mi padre siempre mete la nariz en mi vida privada.
Drake earns his living by working for the lawyer. Drake se gana la vida trabajando para el abogado.
We should draw the line between public and private affairs. Debemos trazar la línea entre asuntos públicos y privados.
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