Sentence examples of "rush around" in English

We managed to bring him around to our way of thinking. Conseguimos convencerle.
Don't rush me. No me apresures.
Can we meet on February the 28th, around 3:00 p.m.? ¿Podemos vernos el veintiocho de febrero, hacia las tres?
Are you in a rush? ¿Estás apurado?
I went around Hokkaido by bike this summer. Este verano fui a Hokkaido en bicicleta.
Going to school during the rush hour is tiring and unpleasant. Ir al colegio en horario punta es cansador y desagradable.
Thousands of satellites orbit around the earth. Miles de satélites orbitan alrededor de la tierra.
If your child drinks poison, rush him to the hospital. Si tu hijo bebe veneno, llévalo rápidamente al hospital.
Ecosystems are degrading rapidly all around the Earth. Los ecosistemas se están degradando en todo el mundo.
Unfortunately I hit the morning rush hour. Desgraciadamente me topé con el horario punta de la mañana.
Tom sat staring at the tropical fish swimming around in the aquarium in his bedroom. Tom se sentó mirando fijamente al pez tropical que revoloteaba en el acuario en su habitación.
Take your time, there's no rush. Tomate tu tiempo, no hay apuro.
We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. Vamos a explorar todos los planetas que giran alrededor del Sol.
Tom wanted to stick around to see what would happen. Unfortunately, he had to leave. Tom se quería quedar a ver que sucedería. Desafortunadamente, se tuvo que ir.
Police immediately sealed off the streets around the hotel as they searched for the bomb. La policía acordonó las calles cercanas al hotel de forma inmediata mientras buscaban la bomba.
I will show you around the city. Te enseñaré la ciudad.
The girl had a long scarf around her neck. La muchacha llevaba una larga bufanda alrededor de su cuello.
The rumor is going around that the actress is going to get a divorce. Circula el rumor de que la actriz se va a divorciar.
He explored the region around the South Pole. Exploró la región alrededor del Polo Sur.
I plan to cycle around Shikoku next year. Planeo ir en bibicleta por Shikoku el año que viene.
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