Sentence examples of "worth" in English with translation "valer"

That's not worth mentioning No vale la pena mencionar esto
No book is worth reading. Ningún libro vale la pena leer.
It is hardly worth discussing. No vale la pena discutir esto.
it was well worth it valía la pena bien
Because we're worth it. Porque nosotros lo valemos.
How much is this worth? ¿Cuánto vale esto?
It's worth a try. Vale la pena intentarlo.
The ruins are worth visiting. Vale la pena visitar las ruinas.
Was that really worth it? ¿Realmente valió la pena?
Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Vale la pena visitar Kuala Lumpur.
This film is worth seeing. Vale la pena ver esta película.
You make life worth living. Haces que valga la pena vivir.
It's worth the trouble Vale la pena
New York is worth visiting. Vale la pena visitar Nueva York.
It's worth a fortune. Vale un dineral.
Is it really worth it? ¿De verdad vale la pena?
It's not worth worrying about No vale la pena preocuparse de lo
It would be worth a thought Valdría un pensamiento
How much is this ring worth? ¿Cuánto vale este anillo?
The game is worth the candle El juego vale la vela
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