Sentence examples of "Leurs" in French

Ça serait gâcher leurs talents. That would be a waste of their talents.
Essayons de comparer son œuvre avec les leurs. Let us try to compare his works with theirs.
Nous cédâmes à leurs exigences. We gave way to their demands.
Nos intérêts entrent en conflit avec les leurs. Our interests conflict with theirs.
Je cédai à leurs exigences. I gave way to their demands.
Leurs bovins sont tous gras. Their cattle are all fat.
Leurs noms m'avaient échappé. Their names have escaped me.
Les policiers examinent leurs sacs. The police are checking their bags.
Tous leurs efforts étaient vains. All their efforts were in vain.
Ils ont rompu leurs fiançailles. They broke off their engagement.
Tous leurs efforts furent vains. All their efforts were in vain.
Les parents aiment leurs enfants. Parents love their children.
Certains hommes rasent leurs jambes. Some men shave their legs.
Les étudiants brûlèrent leurs manuels. The students burned their textbooks.
Certains animaux mangent leurs petits. Some animals eat their young.
Ils devront réduire leurs dépenses. They will have to cut down their expenses.
Ils ont leurs propres problèmes. They have their own troubles.
Leurs deux ombres se superposent. Their two shadows overlap.
Les enfants lavèrent leurs pieds. The children washed their feet.
Les élèves brûlèrent leurs manuels. The students burned their textbooks.
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