Sentence examples of "dès que possible" in French

Fais-le dès que possible. Do it as soon as possible.
Calmez-vous. Je passe dès que possible. Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible.
S'il vous plaît, contactez-moi dès que possible Please, contact me as soon as possible
Pour nous, l'école était un endroit dont il fallait s'extraire dès que possible. To us, school was a place to get away from as soon as possible.
Je vous écrirai dès que possible. I will write to you as soon as I can.
Je veux sortir de cette pièce confinée dès que possible. I want to move out of this cramped room as soon as I can.
Il n'a pas respecté sa promesse de m'appeler dès que possible. He didn't keep his promise that he would telephone me soon.
Descendez dès que possible. Come downstairs as soon as possible.
Vous devez commencer aussitôt que possible. You have to begin as soon as possible.
Je t'appelle dès que je suis libre. I'll call you as soon as I'm free.
J'apprécierais une réponse aussitôt que possible. I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.
Je suis prêt à commencer à travailler dès que tu l'es. I'm ready to start working whenever you are.
Je veux quitter Boston aussi tôt que possible. I plan to leave Boston as soon as I can.
Je t'écrirai dès que j'y arrive. I'll write you as soon as I arrive there.
J'en ai besoin aussi vite que possible. I need it ASAP.
Tant que tu me parles, ça va, mais dès que tu arrêtes, j'ai faim. As long as you're talking to me, it's fine, but as soon as you stop, I get hungry.
Je viendrai aussitôt que possible. I'll come as soon as possible.
Dès que notre chef a arrêté d'être sur notre dos, tout s'est déroulé sans problème. As soon as our manager got off our backs, everything started to go off without a hitch.
Tom a crié aussi fort que possible. Tom screamed at the top of his lungs.
Appelle-moi dès que tu l'auras rencontré ! Call me as soon as you meet up with him.
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