Sentence examples of "la" in French with translation "she"

Elle est la gentillesse même. She is kindness itself.
Il la regarda avec colère. He looked at her angrily.
Elle est dans la douche. She's in the shower.
L'insuline la faisait grossir. The insulin was making her fat.
La nouvelle robe lui plut. She was satisfied with the new dress.
Elle joua dans la pièce. She acted in the play.
La sueur baignait son front. Sweat bathed her brow.
Elle a de la jugeotte. She has brains.
La fillette embrassait sa poupée. The girl hugged her doll.
Elle prit la nouvelle calmement. She took the news calmly.
Je la ferai venir ici. I'll have her come here.
Elle pleura toute la nuit. She weeped the entire night.
Elle lui donna la voiture. She gave him the car.
Il la chronométra au marathon. He timed her in the marathon race.
Elle refit la même erreur. She made the same mistake again.
Je ne la verrai plus. I'll see her no more.
J'aurais voulu la voir. I wish I had seen her.
Cette nouvelle la rendit heureuse. The news made her happy.
Je la vois ce soir. I'm seeing her this evening.
Sa robe rouge la particularisa. Her red dress made her stand out.
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